Tea tree oil benefits for hair One of the best hair oil is Tea tree oil that is using in many ways to promote the growth of hair oil. Tea tree oil benefits hair and makes your hair healthy shiny by removing all problems of hair and scalp.
You can choose tea tree oil that is safe for use and inexpensive for your pocket. If you want to improve the hair problems then start applying the tea tree oil to your hair.
Tea tree is used for medicinal purposes for many years and makes the hair & scalp healthy and strong. Use the tea tree oil for removing dandruff, itchiness, and dry skin, and other issues through which damages causes on the scalp.
Clean hair with tea tree oil and get shiny hair at your home. Read below the tea tree oil uses and benefits for your healthy hair.
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Table of Contents
Tea tree oil hair growth and best oil hair growth
Tea tree oil is good for many ways to your hair like remove lice, effective conditioner and remove the itchiness, dandruff & also best for the oily scalp. Use the tea tree oil for cleansing oil for long and thick hair.

For conditioning purpose
Simply take a spray water bottle fill it with distilled water and add some drops of tea tree oil approx 5 % of distilled water and if you have chamomile tea then add it.
Spray on your hair when you need natural conditioning on your hair.
Remove lice from hair
Due to bad health conditions lice comes on your hair and looks hair awkward when you go out. Tea tree oil is the best treatment for removing the lice from hair.
Take 2 spoons of vegetable oil and 8 drops of tea tree oil and apply them on your scalp at night time. Wear a shower cap so that oil gets absorb in hair. Leaves overnight and clean in the next morning.
Before cleaning, comb your hair several times.
Good for oily scalp
By using the Tea tree oil excess oil production stop that is generated by the sebaceous glands and your scalp is moisturized naturally.
Take a pinch of baking soda, 3-5 drops of tea tree oil, and two spoons of honey, and apply the paste to your scalp.
Massage on your scalp for about 10 minutes. Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off.
Note -Use twice a week to maintain the pH of your scalp, reduce the extra oil and keep the scalp healthy.
Remove dryness from Hair And Scalp
Tea tree oil has lots of nutrients that treat poor conditions like seborrheic dermatitis through which dryness & dry patches come on your scalp and prevents the hair to make dry and brittle.
Twice a week, apply the tea tree oil with a carrier like olive oil and get rid of dryness within a week.
Proper Cleaning
It is good oil as a cleansing agent that makes your hair scalp clean in a proper way. Use the 3-5 drops of tea tree oil with your shampoo and apply to your hair and scalp.
Remember one thing, wet your scalp before applying the tea tree oil.
By cleaning tea tree oil and shampoo, your hair follicles clean in a deep way and results in good healthy hair,
Hair Growth Treatment
Enhances blood circulation and removes toxins from the scalp. Tea tree oil naturally grows your hair and makes hair strong and shiny.
You can take carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, sesame oil. Add 3-5 drops of tea tree oil in 2 spoons of carrier oil. First, apply then massage onto your scalp leaves for some hours, then rinse with shampoo.
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Uses of Tea tree oil for hair dandruff
Choose the tea tree oil when you have problems with dandruff and scalp itchiness because the tea tree removes the fungal infection and dryness from the skin.
Dandruff is the result of oily, irritated skin,non-healthy hair skin conditions like contact dermatitis so use tea tree oil for one solution of all hair problems.

How to use it?
Take your shampoo for cleaning your hair in a bowl and 10 drops of tea tree oil, massage your hair for few seconds. Leaves for 5 minutes and wash off with water.
This works as a conditioner for your hair & removes dandruff.
Note: You can add honey with tea tree oil and shampoo when you have itchiness on your scalp.
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Castor oil and tea tree -best oil for hair growth
Castor oil has its own benefits of making hair strong and shiny. Choose to use castor oil as a carrier oil for tea tree oil to look hair wonderful, one of the best results is to make hair black.

Take the 4 spoons of castor oil and one spoon of tea tree oil, mix well and apply on your scalp and massage for few seconds then apply on your hair strands.
Leaves overnight and when you don’t have ample time then leaves for 2 hours.
Clean with mild shampoo and look gorgeous.
After washing with shampoo, don’t dry your hair with a hard air of dryer.
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I Hope, you get to know all benefits and how to use tea tee oil for healthy hair but remember one thing do not apply tea tree oil directly on your scalp as it may irritate your scalp due to high concentration.
Before applying to your hair, dilute with a carrier oil like coconut oil or olive oil to get the lost moisture and hair nutrient from the hair so that hair becomes smooth and shiny.
Use the tea tree that ensures the health of good hair. Visit our website:bestrani.com to read more about other hair oil that makes hair healthy and strong.
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