Yellow Teeth | White Teeth at Home | Healthy Teeth

14 Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth

Home remedies for yellow teeth

Here, you can get the easy home remedies for yellow teeth that makes you free from the problem of yellow teeth and get hassle-free white teeth at your home. Pearly white teeth are the need of everyone because it is a good sign of oral health and hence add value to everyone aesthetic.

Due to the growing age, our teeth change into yellowish colour and also several reasons like smoking, hygiene, gene and due to the consumption of caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. But, you do not need to worry, just apply the below healthy tips to get the whiten teeth at home.

Due to busyness, if you do not have enough time and need to polish your teeth that you are right place. Following are the best home remedies for yellow teeth that you can try in your comfort.

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Home Remedies For Yellow Teeth

1. Apple cider vinegar

It is one of the best things for your hair and overall health, by the application of apple cider vinegar, your teeth become white at home.

One of the research shows that with the use of apple cider vinegar, you can get the bleaching effect and hence teeth becomes milky white.


You can make a mouthwash of apple cider vinegar and use it on regular basis.

How to make it?

  • Take 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 200 ml of drinking water.
  • Mix well ,do the mouth wash around 30 seconds.

But makes sure clean the teeth properly with water after using this mouth wash due to bleaching effects other wise ,it may harm when it keep for long period in your mouth.

2. Peels of fruits

Don’t throw the peels of fruits now, use them to make your teeth clean and looks healthy.

Orange peel

Well,peels of lemon, orange and rich n Vitamin C and its compound known as Limonene.

Both of them are good to make teeth naturally white. With the help of peel, you can remove the teeth stains. If you start doing on regularly then you noticed that tooth stains start reducing and appearance of teeth becomes healthy.

Citric acid presenting in the peels makes teeth clean and removes yellowish parts present on your teeth. But, you need to take care, because of its acidic nature, it erodes the enamel and makes teeth more sensitive and damaged.

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3. Oil pulling


Try the oil pulling method to clean the teeth ,some studies shown that it is one of the beneficial method to remove the plaque build-up on your teeth that makes the teeth yellow. You can try coconut oil for oil-pulling.

4. Baking soda

Baking Soda

One of the oldest and research proof methods to remove the stains from the teeth.

It is safe way to clean the teeth that fight off with bacteria and reduce plaque.

5. Care excellent oral hygiene

With the help of proper oral hygiene, you can also get rid of yellow teeth at home . Clean the teeth in the morning and before going to bed in night time.

With the cleaning, teeth are protected from enamel and remove stains.

6. Coconut oil removes the Yellow Teeth Problem:

With the use of coconut oil ,plaque and bacteria ,removed from the mouth and get white teeth.

Coconut Oil

You can take 2 spoons of coconut oil in your mouth for at least 15 minutes. Need to take care that oil does not go to the back of the throat at the time of swish.

Don’t swallow the oil because it contains the bacteria and toxins of teeth. Rinse your with water mouth after use.

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7. Charcoal Brush:


Take the charcoal powder and dip your brush into it. Start doing brush for at least 2 minutes and clean your mouth with water.

Charcoal powder is the best home remedy to clean the teeth and remove plaque.

8. Strawberries:

It is one of the best fruit to get the white natural teeth ,it works like a teeth whitening agent .It is a rich source of Vitamin C and hence removes the yellow deposits on teeth.

Just take two or three strawberries and grind to a pulp and rub gently on your teeth. Apply this method, twice or thrice a day .you will get the result.

9. Salt:

One of the ancient remedy and known as basic cleansing agent to clean the yellow teeth.


With the help of salt, you regain the damaged minerals of teeth. You can easily your teeth ,daily in the morning or use as a mouth wash and rinse with water.

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10. Chew Nuts:

With the help of hard food like chew nuts, yellow teeth are treated. Chew nuts are full of fats and protein.

It makes your health and protects the teeth from dental problems. Consume daily 2-3 chew nuts to prevent plaque formation.

11. Use Lemon Juice To Remove Yellow Teeth:

Lemon Juice

Take the juice of a lemon to remove the stain from the teeth. Take one spoon of baking soda and few drops of lemon juice ,mix well and apply the paste on teeth to remove the stain.

Get the healthy white teeth at home. But remember do not use excess lemon juice otherwise, it erodes the enamel.

12. Don’t take more sugar-based products:

Limit the consumption of taking the sugar-rich foods as well as beverages in your daily diet due to the stop of yellowing colour. You need to stop soft drinks ,wines, soda drinks and packaged contains drink which have added sugar in order to get the healthy teeth.

13. Calcium-rich Diet:


Choose to intake foods that are good sources of calcium like milk, cheese. Sometimes, it is shown that teeth become yellow to the enamel eroded. With the healthy amount of eating calcium or by taking calcium-rich foods, your teeth becomes healthier.

14. Use Good Tooth paste:

Brush your teeth with good tooth paste and also choose good tooth brush to clean the teeth for daily purpose. Brush your teeth 2-3 a days to clean the teeth and make sure to clean the teeth after meals or taking after beverages .

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All the above remedies are the best to clean the yellow teeth at your home so try now!

If you have any query then drop your comment and get the solutions here.

Source :Remedies on white teeth Excess use leads to teeth erode

Amita Srivastav is a Content Developer with more than 9+ years of experience in Content Writing. She forayed into the area of writing content as a freelance. Quickly full-fledged entered the Digital Marketing and SEO domain. as a Content Marketer in Fashion, lifestyle, affiliate marketing domains.
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